Note the calculation date to purchase the cheapest airline tickets
According to search engines CheapAir information, analyze data resulting from fare flight of 4 million in 10 months for the opportunity to show you can buy airline tickets for the best price is exactly 54 days before Flights take off. However, if you can not buy at the right day, you can order tickets range from 109 to 29 days prior to the flight, of course would not be possible by the time of 54 days. What you get if you try to hunt the tickets in this period are saving an average of 10 USD compared to other times.
So the advice for you, be patient and wait until the last minute, even if you have plenty of time to purchase airline tickets as soon as possible. It was on that ticket prices began to decline slowly until 54 days before starting to rise again.
3 days before the flight is at the highest fare and of course, the most expensive price for anyone buying before 1 day.
However, with different destination each time they book tickets for the best prices will be different, especially with a foreign airline. You should be aware if you are traveling in Europe, should be placed before 151 days, 129 days to Asia’s and Latin America is 80 days.
Note the calculation date to purchase the cheapest airline tickets